Our vision is to provide respite holidays and holiday accommodation to children in the North-East with a life-limiting or life-threatening diagnosis of childhood cancer, allowing them and their families to make precious memories.
JOSH - Josh’s Osteosarcoma Support & Help Foundation will place the children referred to us by the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle at the heart of everything that we do!

Linzi Smith - Founder
I am Linzi, Josh’s mum and the founder of Josh’s Osteosarcoma Support & Help Foundation.
The idea of setting up this foundation came shortly after Osteosarcoma took Josh from us in May 2021. His strength, positive outlook and wish to help others will forever be my inspiration.
As well as being a mum to my three other children, I have over 25 years’ experience of working within the NHS in various senior roles and I am currently in a Senior Specialist role.